Participant Information


Informational Emails

Starting about two weeks prior to the event you will receive a series of emails with important information about the event, such as transportation details and what to pack. They will be spaced out several days apart to allow people to digest the information. In case you miss an email, or for ease of reference, copies of the emails will also be made available here. Below is a list of each email and a summary of topics covered. The link to each email will become active once the email is sent out. Please be patient.

Website Format:

Informational Email #1: Registration and Transportation Update [Sent 8/3/2017]

Informational Email #2: Last Chance to Update Your Registration [Sent 8/11/2017]

Informational Email #3: What to Pack, What to Leave Home, Special Items for Certain Activities. [Sent 8/16/2017]

Informational Email #4: Pre-Trip and Post Trip Information

Informational Email #5: Transportation Information: Arrival/Departure Info for Drivers and Mosaic Shuttle for Main Event. Emergency Contact Info

PDF Format for printing:

Informational Email #2: Registration and Transportation Update [Sent 8/3/2017]

Informational Email #2: Last Chance to Update Your Registration [Sent 8/11/2017]

Informational Email #3: What to Pack, What to Leave Home, Special Items for Certain Activities.  [Sent 8/16/2017]

Informational Email #4: Pre-Trip and Post Trip Information

Informational Email #5: Transportation Information: Arrival/Departure Info for Drivers and Mosaic Shuttle for Main Event. Emergency Contact Info



Other Items of Interest for Participants

Copy of the Schedule Book: 

Main Event - PDF

Save the trees. We will have a printed copy of the schedule book of the main event in your packet when you arrive in camp. 

Pre-Trip - PDF

Post -Trip - PDF


Map of Camp : PDF

Written Directions to Camp with Map Overview:  PDF

Directions to Camp: Google  Bing  Waze

Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport Terminal Info:

Terminal Info: Web
Meeting Location For Mosaic Shuttle at Terminal 4 Level 3: PDF
Airport Captains for 2017

Frank M Berk
Miami FL, United States
Cell Phone: 305-218-2692

Jonathan Isaac Fredland
Mount Laurel NJ, United States
Cell Phone: 856-905-2732

Dr. Naomi Ross
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Cell Phone: 416-878-3993 (Texting ONLY)

Bus Captains on Monday September 4th: 

Frank M Berk
Miami FL, United States
Cell Phone: 305-218-2692

Jonathan Isaac Fredland
Mount Laurel NJ, United States
Cell Phone: 856-905-2732


Flight Directory

  • This is a list of flights that other paid participants are taking. Look at this list to maybe join another Mosaic member on their journey to the event. 
  • You must be already have paid for your registration. 
  • Please use the password you created during your registration. 


Rideshare Directory

  • Rideshare directory is a list of people looking to share a ride either from their hometown or Phoenix (PHX) Airport or Prescott (PRC) Airport to or from camp. 
  • You must be already have paid for your registration.
  • Please use the password you created during your registration.


Liability Release / Code of Conduct


Mobile RegOnline : To check you registration

GasBuddy Map of Gas Stations Surrounding Camp

Leader Documents:

Leader Packets: DropBox Folder

Expense Report/Reimbursement Request    :  Word  Excel

Leader Debrief Form : Word PDF

Incident Report : PDF

Accident Claim Report   : Word     PDF

Activity Leader Guidelines for Mosaic : PowerPoint   PDF

Mosaic Outdoor Clubs of America Newsletter